1. I currently have no experience in this industry; can I still apply?

A: We are currently only accepting candidates who are already working in the industry. However, we are planning to open-up our qualifications to those with no experience in the near future.

2. How long will the assessment take?

A: Each assessment should take no longer than 15 minutes.

3. Do I have to complete the assessments?

A: Yes, all three assessments are mandatory.

4. What happens if I fail any of the assessments?

A: It is impossible to fail the Skills Analysis – these are simply questions about your experience, irrespective of how much experience you may have. If you should struggle on the Literacy and Numeracy assessments, we will simply offer additional assistance throughout the duration of your qualification.

5. What happens once I submit my assessments?

A: They will be analysed by a member of the Paddeco team and then an assessor will contact you by phone to discuss the most suitable qualification for you, based on your responses.

6. Why do I need to submit this assessment information?

A: The assessments allow us to assess your level of knowledge and experience so we can produce your bespoke Individual Learning Plan that will be the basis of your qualification. It may mean that you need to spend less time on certain areas and focus instead on others that are of more value to you.

7. I closed my web browser without saving my progress. Can I retrieve my responses?

A: There is no auto-save so progress will be lost if you close your web browser. However, there is a ‘Save’ button on every page.

8. Can I complete my assessments offline?

A: No, for Paddeco to save and use your responses accurately, they must be submitted online (PC, laptop, tablet or mobile). If this is not possible, please get in contact with us.

9. I submitted my assessments over 48 hours ago, but no-one has contacted me.

A: We apologise for the delay. If you submitted your assessments on a Friday, weekend days are excluded from the 48 hours. If this is not the case, we may be experiencing a high volume of enquiries so please bear with us. We will be in touch ASAP.

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