The Importance of National Occupational Standards

16 September 2021


National Occupational Standards (NOS) describe the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to undertake a particular task or job to a nationally recognised level of competence.  They focus on what a person needs to be able to do, as well as what they must know and understand to work effectively.  They cover the key activities undertaken within the occupation in question under all the circumstances the worker is likely to encounter.

Each NOS contains an agreed set of knowledge and understanding and performance criteria that must be met before someone can be deemed competent.  They describe the minimum standard to which an individual is expected to work in their chosen occupation.

NOS are developed by Standard Setting Organisations in consultation with stakeholders and employers across all industries in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Any specific requirements are considered by each nation which then result in a series of National Occupational Standards suitable for use across the UK.

These Standards are approved on a four-nation basis and follow a consistent format. NOS are individual measures of competence, grouped in suites which identify the sector they relate to. There are approximately 900 suites at present, with almost 23,000 separate NOS covering a wide range of sectors.

All Paddeco’s courses and qualifications are based on the NOS for the HVAC industry.  Candidates are assessed on their ability to perform and demonstrate competence in the workplace.  We undertake an analysis of their abilities against the NOS and our assessors work with them to ensure all are meeting the required standard, therefore ensuring all our successful candidates are fully competent and compliant in what they do.

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